Friday, November 12, 2010

Wanna a high quality or video of the product?

        Last week, I was trying to buy a watch on a website called World Of Watches. Overall, the Pictures of the watches were good, but the one I like it, its picture was so blurred. Although the picture could be zoom in, this image became worse. So I switched to another website, my favorite: Amazon. I like go shopping at Amazon not only for the competitive price, but also the advanced product viewing capabilities. When you ready to buy a product online, how do you like the 360-degree views ; different colors on the product image; zoom-in/out; and the ability to customize your products online? Beside, online shoppers also like to view more carefully about products reviews from other customers before they make any purchase, and sites that not only show an individual shopper information, but also retain the particular product was bought and the prices.

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